Hello there, dear gardeners from all over the UK! We have written a few guides on CANNA and its products. However, it looks like some questions need a bit more digging into.
Today we will talk about what does CANNAZYM do when to use it, how to use it, can you use it in soil/hydroponics/coco, and does it help you treat and prevent root rot?
Make sure to read the complete guide to get the full scoop.
CANNAZYM is an enzyme product manufactured by CANNA – the infamous Dutch company that produces environmentally-friendly fertilisers and growing mediums.
“What are enzymes?” you might ask.
And because we believe that to be a fantastic gardener, you need to know exactly what’s happening in your plants and why we will get down to the nitty-gritty of enzymes. So bear with us, as we have tried to keep it concise and easy to digest.
Countless biochemical reactions take place within living organisms all the time. While the term “metabolism” is commonly known as the process of breaking down food and its transformation into energy, metabolism can also be explained as the sum of all the physical and biochemical reactions in an organism.
And enzymes are the biological molecules (typically proteins) that make these biochemical reactions happen. Enzymes are vital for the life of both humans, animals and plants because most of the biochemical reactions in organisms need help to take place.
Some enzymes help catabolic reactions to take place. These reactions are exothermic (heat-releasing), breaking down molecules into smaller pieces and releasing energy. These smaller units are now more easily absorbed by the human body or the plant.
Other enzymes help anabolic reactions to take place. These are endothermic (heat-absorbing) chemical reactions where two molecules bind together to produce a new, bigger molecule and absorb energy.
Think of enzymes as tiny biological catalysts with an essential job (and do it exceptionally well). Without enzymes, a typical biochemical reaction might take days, weeks, years or centuries to occur. All forms of life live by enzymes and produce enzymes. And there are many different types of enzymes since they are substrate-specific (each enzyme affects only a specific substance/molecule).
We hope you now understand precisely how vital enzymes are for the growth and development of living organisms like your plants.
And there is one last thing to keep in mind for later. For enzymes to work, they require specific conditions – like temperature and pH.
Ok, so let’s get back to the start of this article – CANNAZYM.
So What Does CANNAZYM Do & What Is CANNAZYM Used for?
If you have carefully read the previous section of this article, you now know two very important things:
- First, CANNAZYM is an enzyme product.
- Second, enzymes are absolutely essential for all life forms – such as humans, plants, animals, fungi, bateria, etc.
Now let’s talk about what makes the enzymes in CANNAZYM so beneficial for plants and how exactly they work.
CANNA was founded in the early 90s. The company has decades of experience researching and developing nutrients and growing mediums. The team of highly trained specialists has spent years researching and testing what enzymes specifically target the food source and cause of root binding, dead root material, and old cast off. These enzymes are now part of the CANNAZYM formula. And you can be confident they work as the company promises since the CANNAZYM formula hasn’t (officially) been changed in the past 20 years.
Excited to find out more? We will now walk you through what CANNAZYM does and its use in detail.

Root rot is probably the most common issue urging gardeners to start feeding their plants an enzyme product like CANNAZYM.
If you notice early signs of root rot, CANNAZYM can help! Its enzymes will work quickly to break down any dead and decaying root material, thus reducing the risk of disease and the development of harmful pathogens.
CANNAZYM Turns Dead Roots Into New Food For Your Plants
Advanced gardeners who know the power and importance of enzymes use enzyme products throughout the whole growth cycle. Because products like CANNAZYM should not be viewed and used as simply “the last resort of fixing plant root issues“.
The enzymes in CANNAZYM significantly speed up the process of turning dead root material into sugars and minerals, which means that your plants can now use up this “new” valuable source of nutrients exactly when and where they are needed.
CANNAZYM Improves Nutrients Uptake
To make it even better, CANNAZYM’s formula also includes Desert plant extract and vitamins. What do they do? They help improve roots’ water and nutrient uptake and stimulate the crop’s natural defence mechanisms.
CANNAZYM Stimulates New Roots Formation

Yes! CANNAZYM does not only help you get rid of dead roots by turning them into usable nutrients for your plants. It also stimulates the formation of new healthy roots. And you know that one of the keys to a healthy, thriving plant is an extensive, beautiful, healthy root system.
CANNAZYM And Your Substrate
By removing dead roots, vital space for air pockets is kept free. This ensures high oxygen levels in the substrate, optimal environment, improved beneficial bacteria and root efficiency. This new space also helps avoid pot binding.
CANNAZYM For Reusing Grow Media
CANNAZYM is also often used when gardeners reuse growing media, especially coco coir.
Using this enzyme product throughout the grow cycle and soaking your grow media with it afterwards will help you eliminate any decaying roots left from the previous crop. That way, you enrich your soil with advantageous nutrients for your next crop cycle and improve the substrate’s aeration.
Well… We just listed six different ways the enzymes in CANNAZYM help your plants have a healthier, more vigorous and satisfying growth and development. We even talked about the fundamentals of biochemical reactions and enzymes in living organisms. If you are ready to purchase this fantastic product, head over to our shopping section and order your CANNAZYM today. We deliver right to your door, all over the UK.
Or keep reading if you would like to learn even more about CANNAZYM and when to use it.
Video – What Does Cannazym Do?
Want to see CANNAZYM’s enzymes in action? Check out this fantastic short video, where the processes of breaking down dead root material, activation of a beneficial organism, and substrate aeration are presented beautifully:
In the video, CANNA explains that the root system starts producing new root hairs once the substrate dries out so that the plant can absorb more water and nutrients.

And once you water your plants, the root system will not need as many root hairs as it has produced, which is why the oldest ones will die out and be shed.

But these dead roots turn into a good environment for developing moulds, fungi and harmful bacteria. But, of course, you wouldn’t want that, would you?
CANNA then goes a bit more into detail about two of the enzymes found in CANNAZYM – Pectinase and Endocellulase.
Pectinase enables the breakdown of pectin. Pectin is a type of starch called a heteropolysaccharide. It occurs naturally in plants’ cell walls and gives them structure.

Endocellulase breaks down cellulose after the pectin has been broken down. This enables the content of the cells (which were surrounded by cellulose) to be released. The microorganisms in the substrate then absorb these nutrients and convert them into minerals and sugars. The new root hairs will now absorb these minerals and sugars.

These enzymes help turn dead root material into food for new roots.

And how does all of this increase aeration in the soil?
Once the dead root hairs are broken down, an empty air pocket remains in their place. This helps maintain the condition of the substrate by increasing air circulation through the substrate and preventing pot binding. This way, your plants’ roots have room to “breathe” properly take in water and nutrients.

Sounds pretty neat, doesn’t it?
A CANNAZYM Experiment
If you have been looking into the topic of what does CANNAZYM do and how to use it, you might have already stumbled upon CANNA’s (rather unsatisfying)* two-step experiment. However, if you haven’t watched it yet, let us save you the time of searching for it by pasting the link here:
*If you watched the whole 10-minute video, you probably understand what we mean. We loved the test and its results, but wouldn’t it have been even cooler and a lot more impressive if the test was done with actual plant roots and substrate (instead of the paper and apple sauce they used in their video)?
Comment below to let us know if you would like us to do our own CANNAZYM experiment.
CANNAZYM: When To Use It, Dosage, And Feeding Schedule
As we already mentioned a few times throughout this guide, your plants will greatly benefit if you use CANNAZYM throughout the full grow cycle.
You can start adding CANNAZYM to your feeding solution from the second week of cultivation onwards. Use it every time you water your plants.
The CANNAZYM dosage is a max 25 ml per 10 Liters of water.
Click here to read our previous CANNA guide with all the latest CANNA Feed Charts. In the guide, you will learn exactly how to use and mix your CANNAZYM according to your growing medium.
Some More CANNAZYM Questions Answered
If you have reached this part of our CANNAZYM guide, you are either really enjoying our writing style… or still have some unanswered questions. In this section, we will go through some of the most common CANNAZYM questions and their answers.
Yes! CANNAZYM is suitable for use in all growing mediums.
For maximised performance, we recommend using CANNAZYM along with the rest of CANNA’s additives:
– RHIZOTONIC – a root stimulator that helps with root development increases plants’ strength and disease resistance.
– PK 13/14 – a PK booster that ensures stronger cell formation and the production of enough sugars in the flowering stage. Discover more about PK 13/14 here.
– CANNABOOST – a flower booster that improves short-cycle plants’ health and metabolism rate.
Almost all nutrient companies manufacture their own enzyme products, so there are a lot of available alternatives. Hygrozyme, Advanced Nutrients’ Sensizym, or the fully organic energy booster Biobizz Bio-Heaven (Bio-Heaven does not contain enzymes but stimulates enzymatic activity in an all-natural way) are some of them.
You may notice that when you leave your CANNAZYM bottle sitting on the shelf, it will start slightly separating its constituents. But don’t worry! It will get back to suspension very easily once you shake the bottle.
So yes, always shake the bottle before using it.
CANNA states that the colour does not indicate the age of the product. Therefore, you are not likely to see any significant changes in the colour of CANNAZYM.
CANNA promises a shelf life of 24 months with the proper storage conditions.
To ensure the maximum shelf life, keep CANNAZYM with the lid on in a dark place. The temperature should be between 9°C and 21°C.
While CANNA claims that the enzymes in CANNAZYM are “protected” against freezing, they still advise trying to keep CANNAZYM from freezing at all times. Otherwise, ice crystals could reduce the enzyme activity by destroying some of them.
Additives To Use Alongside CANNAZYM
Important note: Peroxide kills the microorganisms in CANNAZYM. Therefore, do not use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) products alongside CANNAZYM.
Conclusion: What Does CANNAZYM Do, When & How To Use It
To sum up, this excellent enzyme product turns dead roots into food for new roots, helps prevent root rot and pot binding, aerates your substrate, improves water and nutrient uptake, stimulates the production of new roots, and can be used for reusing grow media like coco coir. For maximum benefits, use it throughout the entire grow cycle (from the second week onwards) at a maximum dosage of 25 ml per 10 Liters of water.
Order a bottle of CANNAZYM today and see the power of enzymes for yourself. With us, you get a seamless shopping experience, secure checkout process, and free delivery all across the UK for orders over £50.00.
And while you are here, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for even more gardening tips & tricks.
Fantastic idea! It was a pleasure to read this article!